Kube Prompt

Been switching between Kubernetes clusters a lot and needed a way to keep track of current context and namespace, kube-ps1 to the rescue!

I was constantly checking to see if I was in the correct context and namespace before running commands, I needed something to help me out. I went searching and found kube-ps1. It is very easy to install (brew install kube-ps1). I was able to set it to $RPROMPT env variable so it displays on the right in ZSH:

# Source kube-ps1.
if [[ -s "/usr/local/opt/kube-ps1/share/kube-ps1.sh" ]]; then
    source "/usr/local/opt/kube-ps1/share/kube-ps1.sh"
    export RPROMPT='$(kube_ps1)'

Then I, of course, customized the look a little:

# kube-ps1 configs.
export KUBE_PS1_PREFIX=''
export KUBE_PS1_SUFFIX=''
export KUBE_PS1_NS_COLOR=blue
export KUBE_PS1_CTX_COLOR=magenta

Last thing I'll mention is that kube-ps1 comes with two nifty commands to toggle the prompt. You can use kubeoff to flip it off for your current session. Then use kubeon to flip it back on. Either one takes a -g flag to turn it on or off globally.

So far, really like it and helps me to keep track of where I am in Kubernetes.

See also